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Energy Policy Act of 2005

Consumer Protection
Pub. L. No. 109-58, 119 Stat. 594, codified in relevant part primarily at 42 U.S.C. §§ 6294, 7545, 16471
Under this Act, the Commission is required to: (a) issue regulations for energy efficiency labeling of a number of household appliances and plumbing fixtures, if specified conditions are met (Section...
Business Blog

Make your claims crystal clear

Earlier this year, the FTC settled five law enforcement actions against companies making allegedly deceptive energy savings claims for their replacement windows. Now the FTC has sent letters to 14...
Business Blog

Quoth the Maven

In celebration of Halloween — and with apologies to Edgar Allen Poe — here’s our take on what companies can do to make sure spooky business practices don’t come back to haunt them. Once upon a...
Business Blog

Candid spamera

Say “spam” and most business executives think of annoying messages that litter their IN box. But the CAN-SPAM Act and the FTC’s CAN-SPAM Rule cover a much broader range of commercial email. Yes, that...
Business Blog

Cleaning up ad claims

Science, studies, and statistics. There’s a reason advertisers feature them so prominently. When used accurately, they can be powerful tools for distinguishing your product from the competitors. But...
Business Blog

Data Resellers Liable for Downstream Security Failures

Of course, no legitimate business would put out a welcome mat for crooks. But as the FTC’s data security cases make clear, that’s the effect when companies fail to take reasonable steps to secure...
Business Blog

Let's Make a Seal

For many people, environmental considerations play an important role in what they put in their shopping carts. But it's tough to know when green claims are credible. Seals and certifications can be a...
Business Blog

BCP Business Center: Your Link to the Law

Welcome to the BCP Business Center: Your Link to the Law. Explore and you’ll find practical compliance guidance on advertising, telemarketing, credit, data security, and other need-to-know topics for...