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Get ready for PrivacyCon on July 27th

Lesley Fair
Set a reminder now for Tuesday, July 27, 2021, to make sure you’re up on the latest research about privacy and data security. That’s the date of the FTC’s sixth annual PrivacyCon and you’re invited to participate virtually. PrivacyCon 2021 brings together a broad range of tech voices to share their latest research on up-to-the-minute topics. Free and open to the public, the event will convene at 9:00 AM Eastern Time with remarks from Commissioner...

FTC gets back to the basics at June 24th Dallas workshop for businesses, attorneys

Lesley Fair
No one can top Waylon Jennings’ invitation to Luckenbach, Texas, where people can get “Back to the Basics of Love.” But we can offer the next best thing for business executives, advertising professionals, and attorneys: a virtual invitation to Dallas, Texas, on June 24, 2021, to get back to the basics of law. Register today for Green Lights & Red Flags: FTC Rules of the Road for Business , a workshop on truth-in-advertising standards, social...

Back to business #4: Back-to-work basics for job seekers

Lesley Fair
We’ll leave it to the economists to crunch the employment numbers. We’re just happy to see more Help Wanted signs in the windows of Main Street retailers. That’s good news for Americans affected by pandemic-related layoffs. As companies are getting back to business and returning to an in-person workplace, the FTC has some tips for job seekers. Investigate job placement services before signing up. There are lots of reputable employment agencies...

Blessings in No Time: A blessing – or a pyramid scheme?

Lesley Fair
Call it a “blessing.” Call it a “loom.” In a case just filed in federal court , the FTC and the State of Arkansas use another phrase to describe what the operators of the Blessings in No Time investment program are up to. We call it a pyramid scheme. According to the complaint , the people behind Blessings in No Time use “blessing looms” to lure consumers in with false promises of returns as high as 800%. What’s more, the operators primarily...

Back to business #3: Looking for small business financing?

Lesley Fair
It’s exciting to see so many “open” signs appearing in store windows across the country. But some companies making the transition to an in-person workplace may find themselves in a short-term cash flow crunch. Even before the pandemic, the FTC raised concerns about deceptive practices related to small business financing . With many companies working to regain their footing, the FTC has tips on protecting yourself when looking for financing...

Back to Business #2: Slamming the office door on B2B COVID scams

Lesley Fair
You have to say this about scammers: They’re up on current events. As early as February 2020, con artists were already using the coronavirus as a hook for swindles and scams and the FTC was sounding an alert for consumers . It didn’t take long before scammers targeted businesses , too. Now that many companies are returning to an in-person workplace, some fraudsters will try to take advantage of the transition. As you get back to business, keep...

Back to business #1: Where’s your data?

Lesley Fair
As many companies shift to an in-person workplace, you and your employees face the opportunities and challenges of the new new normal. Today is the first in a five-part Back to Business blog series to help ease the transition back to the office, including steps you can take to reduce the risk that COVID scammers, data thieves, and financial fraudsters will follow you there. One consideration for companies: assuring you’re in control of sensitive...

FTC says MoviePass “one movie per day” promise was a double feature of deception

Lesley Fair
As the fast-talking talent scout said in a hundred Hollywood classics, “I’m gonna put you in the movies!” MoviePass promised to put consumers in the movies – or at least in movie theaters – with its $9.95 per month “one movie per day” subscription plan. A proposed settlement outlines three concerns the FTC had with the company’s practices: 1) illegal tactics that MoviePass employed to block subscribers from using the service as advertised; 2)...

Helping you answer consumers’ privacy questions

Lesley Fair
Even for people who work on the most arcane frontiers of technology, there is a line of questioning that leaves them scratching their heads wondering where to begin. It’s when a colleague, friend, or family member asks “OK, Mr. or Ms. Tech Guru. I read a scary article about online privacy. What should I do to protect myself?” or “I just bought this nifty smart device. How can I use it safely?” The FTC has a new resource to help you answer those...

FTC Green Lights and Red Flags workshop for business rides into Dallas – virtually

Lesley Fair
The FTC’s Green Lights & Red Flags virtual workshop for business is “on the road again,” so it’s only appropriate that we’re heading to Dallas on June 24, 2021. Green Lights & Red Flags: FTC Rules of the Road for Business brings together national and state legal experts to provide perspectives for business executives, marketing professionals, and attorneys on how established consumer protection principles apply in today’s marketplace. Acting FTC...