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Putting the focus on small business financing

Lesley Fair
Whether you’re starting a business or trying to grow one, there’s one thing you need to take it to the next level: capital. Entrepreneurs look to traditional lenders, of course, but they’re also turning to the online marketplace to find small business financing. What types of products are available? What are the benefits and the consumer protection considerations? On May 8, 2019 , the FTC will host Strictly Business: An FTC Forum on Small...

Violating Made in USA order lands filtration seller in hot water

Lesley Fair
When a company settles a case with the FTC, it’s not just water under the bridge. An FTC administrative order includes provisions designed to prevent similar deceptive or unfair practices in the future – and violations of those orders may result in civil penalties. The FTC just announced a proposed settlement with Georgia-based iSpring Water Systems for violating a 2017 order related to the company’s Made in USA claims. The case offers a reminder...

The Avant settlement: New financial platforms, established consumer protections

Lesley Fair
“There is nothing new under the sun.” It’s from the Book of Ecclesiastes and who are we to disagree? So even when innovative products enter the market – for example, new platforms offering financial services – fundamental consumer protection principles remain constant. And as the FTC’s $3.85 million settlement with Avant, LLC , demonstrates, that includes representations and practices related to online lending. Offering unsecured installment...

Growing wave of Social Security imposters overtakes IRS scam

Emma Fletcher
Claiming to be a government authority is a tried and true way that scammers trick people into sending money. Among the most common government imposters have been scammers pretending to be the IRS – until now. In the past few months, the FTC’s Consumer Sentinel Network database has seen Social Security Administration (SSA) imposter reports skyrocket while reports of IRS imposters have declined sharply. In the shady world of government imposters...

Bogus celebrity testimonials and phony formats: DON’TS for advertisers and affiliates

Lesley Fair
“Viagra for the brain.” It’s a slogan designed to attract the attention of consumers concerned about cognition. Then there was a massive online ad campaign of “news” websites featuring supposed testimonials from people like Bill Gates and the now-late Dr. Stephen Hawking. It’s no wonder people forked over millions for supplements that went by names like Geniux, Xcel, EVO, and Ion-Z. But according to proposed FTC settlements , the entire promotion...

FTC’s Approach to Consumer Privacy: Watch the webcast live

Lesley Fair
We do our best to keep the puffery in check. So when we say an event features a star-studded line-up of panelists, we think we can substantiate that claim. The FTC’s ongoing Hearings on Competition and Consumer Protection in the 21st Century have brought luminaries together to discuss the impact on the FTC’s mission of broad-based changes in the economy, evolving business practices, and tech developments. The April 9th and 10th hearing s on The...

FTC workshop looks into loot boxes

Lesley Fair
Gamers call them loot boxes – in-game rewards players can buy that contain a random assortment of virtual items. The loot may help players advance in an online game or allow them to customize their avatars. The rewards may be virtual, but they’ve become a very real revenue stream for game developers. Do loot boxes raise consumer protection concerns, especially for younger players? That’s the topic of an upcoming FTC workshop, Inside the Game...

It’s unwise to incentivize positive skewed reviews

Lesley Fair
Is there anything you can’t get delivered to your front door? (And yes, home renovators will attest you can even get a front door delivered to your front door.) The burgeoning subscription model can offer convenience to customers, but only if companies honor established consumer protection principles. The FTC’s proposed settlement with snack seller UrthBox, Inc. , serves as a compliance reminder to industry members about consumer reviews and the...

Warning letters re-”mined” diamond sellers to describe products accurately

Lesley Fair
Remember the old Superman movie where the Man of Steel squeezed carbon in his hand to create a diamond? That’s not how it’s done, but these days not everything sparkly comes from a mine. In addition to mined diamonds, consumers can choose simulated diamonds or diamonds created in a laboratory. What matters to consumers – and the FTC – is that companies accurately describe what they’re selling. In July 2018, the FTC issued updated its Guides for...

From hero to zero: “Charities” claimed to help police and vets, but pocketed proceeds

Lesley Fair
To many Americans, the phrase “We support our troops” is more than just a bumper sticker. They put their money where their heart is and contribute to organizations that benefit members of the military – or police officers, first responders, or others who serve. Their generous intent shouldn’t be undermined by sham charities that allocate the lion’s share of donations not to promised services, but to telemarketing, salaries, and other overhead...