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Game on: FTC loot box workshop set to start

Lesley Fair
The time has come to take a closer look at loot boxes. The FTC’s workshop, Inside the Game: Unlocking the Consumer Issues Surrounding Loot Boxes, begins at 10:00 ET today. Moments before the start time we’ll post a link to the live webcast. FTC staff will be tweeting from @FTC using the hashtag #LootboxFTC. Interested in putting your perspectives on the public record? File a comment online by October 11, 2019.

All aboard for Atlanta

Lesley Fair
According to musical legend, a buddy of songwriter Jim Weatherly commented that his girlfriend was leaving on the “midnight plane to Houston.” The buddy was Lee Majors of Six Million Dollar Man fame and his girlfriend (and later wife) was actress Farrah Fawcett. Mr. Weatherly filed the phrase away and later used it as inspiration for his megahit, Midnight Train to Georgia. Our point – and yes, we have one – is that no matter how you get there...

Ready Panel One: FTC workshop considers consumer implications of loot boxes

Lesley Fair
For members of the videogame industry, loot boxes are no game. They’re a serious part of the revenue stream. But do loot boxes – grab bags of digital goodies bought with in-game virtual currency or real money – raise consumer protection concerns? What about the potential impact on young consumers? FTC staff and national experts are talking that over at an August 7, 2019, workshop, Inside the Game: Unlocking the Consumer Issues Surrounding Loot...

FTC sues Cambridge Analytica for deceptive claims about consumers’ personal information

Lesley Fair
The data that Facebook collects about its users could reveal a lot about users’ personalities. A company named Cambridge Analytica sure thought so. The FTC alleges Cambridge Analytica used false and deceptive tactics to harvest personal information from tens of millions of Facebook users – data later used to profile and target U.S. voters. The FTC’s lawsuit against the company – and a settlement with its former CEO and an affiliated app developer...

FTC’s $5 billion Facebook settlement: Record-breaking and history-making

Lesley Fair
If you’ve ever wondered what a paradigm shift looks like, you’re witnessing one today. The FTC’s $5 billion civil penalty against Facebook for violations of an earlier FTC order is record-breaking and history-making. In addition, the settlement requires Facebook to implement changes to its privacy practices, its corporate structure, and the role of CEO Mark Zuckerberg that are seismic in scope. Simply put, when it comes to the business of...

Persuading on Paper: Written Advocacy to the FTC’s Bureau of Competition

Daniel Francis,* Bureau of Competition
The Front Office of the FTC’s Bureau of Competition receives a great deal of advocacy from the bar. Virtually every day, parties and their counsel make arguments and present evidence to us regarding the various merger and conduct matters handled by the Bureau’s various Divisions. Some of this advocacy is conducted in person, but much of it takes place on paper, in the memoranda universally known as “white papers.” In some ways, white papers can...

$575 million Equifax settlement illustrates security basics for your business

Lesley Fair
Patch your software. Segment your network. Monitor for intruders. According to tech experts, those are security basics for businesses of any size. But when you’re industry giant Equifax – a company in possession of staggering amounts of highly confidential information about more than 200 million Americans – it’s almost unthinkable not to implement those fundamental protections. An FTC, CFPB, and State AG settlement of at least $575 million...

New block on the kids? FTC announces COPPA review and workshop

Lesley Fair
No – nobody is really suggesting a block on kids. But the FTC is taking a fresh look at the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule and we couldn’t resist the title’s reference to 90s tweens’ favorite boy band, now parents themselves. For years we’ve been “Hangin’ Tough” about the need to protect kids’ personal information online, but it’s time for a “Step By Step” review of the COPPA Rule. In place since 2000 and revised in 2013, the COPPA...

Starting soon: FTC’s Nixing the Fix

Lesley Fair
How do repair restrictions for tech devices, appliances, cars, etc., affect consumers and small businesses? What are the arguments for and against? And what’s the fix? Those are topics of Nixing the Fix: A Workshop on Repair Restrictions – and it’s set to start soon. At 12:30 ET today, you can watch the live webcast. We’ll also be tweeting, using the hashtag #nixthefixFTC.

Who’s in the mix at Nixing the Fix?

Lesley Fair
Coldplay sang “Fix You,” but if the group had been referring to their tech devices, cars, or other products in need of repair, their efforts could have consumer protection ramifications. A July 16, 2019, FTC event, Nixing the Fix: A Workshop on Repair Restrictions, will focus on the state of the repair marketplace. Are manufacturers making it difficult (or even impossible) for consumers or independent shops to make product repairs? Are certain...