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Whether it’s a website where people diagnosed with the same medical condition can share their stories or an app to find out how long it will take in the gym to burn off a Macadamia Mania Ripple sundae, consumers are taking their health in their own hands – and generating a massive amount of digital data in the process.  If you or your clients have jumped into this burgeoning market, here’s a development you’ll want to follow.

Consumers are tracking their diet, exercise, medications, and symptoms online and even downloading their medical records and family histories into apps and websites.  Many of these products and services help to empower consumers to be healthier, but what happens to all that data?  Who has access to the information and what are they doing with it? 

Those are just some of the issues on the agenda as the FTC continues its Spring Privacy Series on May 7, 2014, with a seminar on Consumer Generated and Controlled Health Data.

We’re bringing together industry experts, consumer advocates, technologists, and researchers to talk over topics like:

  • What types of sites, products, and services are consumers using to generate and control their health data?  What benefits can they offer people?
  • Are companies sharing the consumer information they collect?  If so, with whom and for what purposes?
  • What actions are companies taking to protect consumers’ privacy and security?
  • What do consumers expect from these companies about privacy and security protections?

The seminar will begin at 10:00 AM Eastern Time and will run until noon at the FTC’s Conference Center at 601 New Jersey Avenue, N.W., in Washington, DC.

If you can’t attend in person, watch the webcast.  We’ll post a link on the event page that morning.

This is the third in the FTC’s Spring Privacy Series to explore the consumer implications of emerging technologies.  Earlier events focused on Mobile Device Tracking and Alterative Scoring Products.