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Safeguards Rule notification requirement now in effect

If your business is covered by the FTC’s Gramm-Leach Bliley Safeguards Rule, an amendment to the Rule that requires covered companies to report certain data breaches and other security events to the...
Business Blog

Better safeguard than sorry

To quote studio head Samuel Goldwyn’s famous malaprop, an oral contract isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. The same can be said of a written security policy if a company doesn’t carry out its...
Business Blog

FTC Safeguards Workshop: Watch the webcast now

Information Security and Financial Institutions: An FTC Workshop to Examine the Safeguards Rule – a virtual event to consider the future of the Rule – is on now. Watch from the LIVE WEBCAST link on...
Business Blog

FTC releases agenda for Safeguards Rule virtual workshop

Financial institutions collect personal information from customers every day, from names and addresses to bank account and Social Security numbers. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act’s Safeguards Rule...
Business Blog

3 new things to know about FTC Safeguards Rule review

As part of its regulatory review, the FTC announced earlier this year Information Security and Financial Institutions: An FTC Workshop to Examine the Safeguards Rule. If the Safeguards Rule is of...
Business Blog

Consumer reviews: The FCRA upshot of fighting ire with fire

California-based mortgage broker Mortgage Solutions FCS also does business under the name Mount Diablo Lending. And according to the FTC, the company gave consumers a devil of a time if they posted...
Business Blog

FTC challenges Lending Club’s “No Hidden Fees” claims

It’s a given that companies shouldn’t charge consumers hidden fees. But it raises a particular concern when an online lender makes “No Hidden Fees” claims a centerpiece of its marketing – and then...
Business Blog

2017: The consumer protection year in review

One Direction had a hit with a song called “18,” but the FTC’s recent law enforcement and policy initiatives suggest that the agency will continue to pursue many directions in its efforts to protect...
Business Blog

Trash Talking

Some things you’d expect to find in a trash can: last night’s potato peelings, the casserole that looked so promising in the cookbook photo, and Oscar the Grouch. But if you run a business, the one...
Business Blog

Looking out for unauthorized access

With a corporate name like Lookout, it pays to — well — look out. Unfortunately, according to the FTC’s complaint against Lookout Services, Inc., the company’s questionable security practices left the...
Business Blog

Data Resellers Liable for Downstream Security Failures

Of course, no legitimate business would put out a welcome mat for crooks. But as the FTC’s data security cases make clear, that’s the effect when companies fail to take reasonable steps to secure...
Business Blog

BCP Business Center: Your Link to the Law

Welcome to the BCP Business Center: Your Link to the Law. Explore and you’ll find practical compliance guidance on advertising, telemarketing, credit, data security, and other need-to-know topics for...