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You’ve probably been following the FTC Hearings on Competition and Consumer Protection in the 21st Century. The next two days of hearings – Tuesday, December 11th, and Wednesday, December 12th – will take a deep dive into a topic of interest to just about every business and consumer: data security. No matter where you’re located, it’s easy to participate.

Today’s proceedings begin at 10:10 Eastern Time. After opening remarks from Andrew Smith, Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection, panels will cover data breaches, incentives to invest in data security, and the consumer demand for it. Speakers include academics, industry members, and security researchers.

The two-day hearing is free and open to the public at the FTC’s Constitution Center, 400 7th Street, S.W., located at the Metro L’Enfant Plaza station. Can’t attend in person? Watch the webcast by following the link that will go live a few minutes before the 10:10 starting time.

You can file a public comment on issues raised at the data security hearing by March 13, 2019.

Bernard Fudim
December 11, 2018
On Gmail we are being encouraged to use standardized replies, such as I agree, etc. I consider that to be a possible invasion of privacy. We will no longer be protected by the privacy of our de facto mail that has replaced the US postal system.

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