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In just a few years, the FTC’s PrivacyCon has become an Information All-Star Game, complete with panels as high-flying or power-hitting as the Slam Dunk Contest or Home Run Derby. (OK. High-flying and power-hitting if you’re a researcher, academic, or advocate interested in data security and consumer privacy.) The FTC just announced the agenda for the fourth annual PrivacyCon on June 27, 2019. Consult your calendar and save the date.

FTC Chairman Simons will open PrivacyCon at 9:15 ET. The first panel – Privacy Policies, Disclosures, and Permissions – puts a consumer focus on privacy practices, how data collection aligns with those practices, and GDPR’s impact on privacy both on the web and on apps.

The next panel looks into Consumer Preferences, Expectations, and Behaviors. Speakers will examine consumer attitudes toward digital privacy, including a deeper dive into the Internet of Things, smart homes, and COPPA.

Interested in the latest research into Tracking and Online Advertising? Researchers on the third panel will consider the commercial impact of tracking technologies, free vs. paid apps, and GDPR’s effect on e-commerce.

The last PrivacyCon panel will discuss Vulnerabilities, Leaks, and Breach Notifications. How are apps getting around permissions systems, what happens when they do, and how are consumers responding to the breach notices they receive?

PrivacyCon will take place at the FTC’s Constitution Center conference facility, 400 Seventh Street, S.W., in Washington, DC. (It’s located at the L’Enfant Plaza Metro station.) The event is free and open to the public, and registration isn’t required. In addition, you can watch the webcast from a link on the event page, which will go live moments before Chairman Simons convenes PrivacyCon at 9:15 ET on June 27th. We’ll also be live tweeting using the hashtag #PrivacyCon19.

Review the agenda, which includes links to the panelists’ research.

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