Even for people who work on the most arcane frontiers of technology, there is a line of questioning that leaves them scratching their heads wondering where to begin. It’s when a colleague, friend, or family member asks “OK, Mr. or Ms. Tech Guru. I read a scary article about online privacy. What should I do to protect myself?” or “I just bought this nifty smart device. How can I use it safely?” The FTC has a new resource to help you answer those questions.
Protecting Your Privacy Online is packed with information to make it easier for anyone to raise their digital defenses. The new page includes jargon-free advice on securing internet-connected devices and answers some common questions that consumers ask:
How do I know when my voice assistant is listening?
- What steps should I take to use my smartwatch or IP camera safely?
- Do I need to erase personal data before selling my car?
- What if I’m moving out of a house with a smart thermostat, refrigerator, or other device?
In addition, Protecting Your Privacy Online explains the ins and outs of online tracking and how consumers can select more privacy-protective options. It also takes on sensitive topics like online harassment and stalking apps.
Share Protecting Your Privacy Online with employees, friends, and family. Even Mr. or Ms. Tech Guru may pick up a tip or two.