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Business Blog

Tapplock settlement: Smart devices need smart security

If your business makes “smart” devices, you’ll want to read about Tapplock’s settlement with the FTC . It’s one more example of why businesses in the Internet of Things (IoT) space need to think about...
Competition Matters

What’s in a Name? Ask the Technology Enforcement Division

The Bureau of Competition is pleased to announce the conversion of the Technology Task Force into a permanent division in the Bureau of Competition. Effective October 1, 2019, it has become the...
Competition Matters

Technology Task Force looking for technology fellow

Are you a fast-learning, tech-savvy professional driven to use your expertise to help ensure that competitive technological innovation benefits consumers? Then the FTC may have a unique opportunity...
Business Blog

Who’s in the mix at Nixing the Fix?

Coldplay sang “Fix You,” but if the group had been referring to their tech devices, cars, or other products in need of repair, their efforts could have consumer protection ramifications. A July 16...
Competition Matters

The not-so-big news about Big Data

Everywhere these days, folks are talking about big data. (Apparently, even machines are talking amongst themselves using big data in an ecosystem called the Internet of Things.) Last week, Chairwoman...