Displaying 61 - 80 of 9350
GreyStar et al., FTC and Colorado v.
The Federal Trade Commission and the State of Colorado are taking action against Greystar, the nation’s largest multi-family rental property manager, for deceiving consumers about monthly rent costs by tacking on numerous mandatory fees on top of advertised prices.
According to the complaint filed by the FTC and Colorado, these hidden fees have cost consumers living in Greystar properties hundreds of millions of dollars since at least 2019, and consumers often have not discovered the fees until after they have signed a lease or moved in.
FTC, State of Colorado Take Action Against Greystar, Nation’s Largest Multi-Family Rental Property Manager, For Deceiving Consumers About Rent Prices
Statement of Commission Regarding Snap Complaint Referral to DOJ
FTC Takes Action Against General Motors for Sharing Drivers’ Precise Location and Driving Behavior Data Without Consent
Statement of Chair Lina M. Khan Regarding the Final Rule Amending the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule
FTC Finalizes Changes to Children’s Privacy Rule Limiting Companies’ Ability to Monetize Kids’ Data
Statement of Commissioner Alvaro M. Bedoya Joined by Commissioner Rebecca Kelly Slaughter Notice of Final Rulemaking to Update the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA Rule)
Concurring Statement of Commissioner Andrew N. Ferguson COPPA Rule Amendments
FTC Takes Action Against GoDaddy for Alleged Lax Data Security for Its Website Hosting Services
GoDaddy, Inc., et al., In the Matter of
Case settles charges that the company failed to secure its website-hosting services against attacks that could harm its customers and visitors to the customers’ websites.
FTC Sends More Than $960,000 in Refunds to Consumers Harmed by Income Scheme ‘The Sales Mentor’
FTC Finalizes Order Banning Mobilewalla from Selling Sensitive Location Data
FTC Finalizes Order Prohibiting Gravy Analytics, Venntel from Selling Sensitive Location Data
Displaying 61 - 80 of 9350