Displaying 161 - 180 of 9350
FTC Takes Aim at Top Fraud Driving Losses Among Older Americans
Dissenting Statement of Commissioner Andrew N. Ferguson Regarding the Telemarketing Sales Rule
Smart Products Surveyed Fail to Provide Consumers with Information on How Long Companies will Provide Software Updates
FTC Takes Action Against Evolv Technologies for Deceiving Users About its AI-Powered Security Screening Systems
Concurring Statement of Commissioner Andrew N. Ferguson in Matter of FTC v. Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc.
Ecom Genie
As a result of a Federal Trade Commission lawsuit, a federal court has temporarily shut down the operations of a business opportunity scam that has taken more than $12 million from consumers with false promises of big returns selling goods through Amazon and Walmart.
According to a complaint filed by the FTC, since at least 2022, the scheme operated under the names Lunar Capital Ventures, Ecom Genie and Profitable Automation, and before that as the now-dissolved company Valiant Consultants Inc. Under each of these names, the scheme has made enticing but bogus claims that consumers could earn lavish profits by paying tens of thousands of dollars to start online e-commerce businesses. The promised earnings rarely, if ever, materialize, and most consumers lose substantial amounts of money.
FTC Sends Refunds to Consumers Harmed by Credit Bureau Center’s Fake Rental Property Ads and Deceptive Promises of “Free” Credit Reports
FTC Staff Issues Report on Undercover Funeral Rule Phone Sweep
FTC Sends More Than $140,000 to Consumers Deceived by False Made in USA Claims by Chaucer Accessories and Bates Accessories
Federal Court Orders Harris Jewelry to Restore its Website and Claims Portal for Servicemembers to Request Refunds
Reports of Unwanted Telemarketing Calls Down More Than 50 Percent Since 2021
FTC Takes Action Against Bogus Business Finance Scheme Seek Capital For Costing Small Business Owners Millions
Displaying 161 - 180 of 9350