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The term “FinTech” covers a lot of topics central to the FTC’s consumer protection mission – lending, payment systems, data security, privacy, and truth in advertising, to name just a few. So where can businesses go for resources on how established consumer protection standards apply in this emerging marketplace? FinTech-related materials have a new home in the Business Center: a dedicated FinTech page. If FinTech matters to your company or your clients, take a moment for a tour.

FTC FinTech pageUnder GUIDANCE, you’ll see to-the-point business publications relevant to your work. Scroll down for FinTech-related VIDEOS. Currently, we’re featuring excerpts from the FTC’s 2017 Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Workshop. (We rotate the videos regularly.)

On the top right of the page, RELATED POSTS links you to Business Blog posts of interest to industry members. Posts may address developments like workshops – for example, the May 8th forum on innovations in small business financing – or recent FTC law enforcement actions that touch on FinTech.

Just below that you’ll see LEGAL RESOURCES. That’s the central source for the FTC’s FinTech-related materials – laws, cases, events, reports, etc.

What’s in the Business Center is ever-evolving. Of course, we’ll feature new developments as they’re announced. But we’re also going back to the vault to include relevant materials from before FinTech was called FinTech – which is why we hope you’ll bookmark the page and check back regularly to see what’s new.


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