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Company claimed “Ships Tomorrow,” but where were the masks and respirators?

Lesley Fair
An online company advertising consumer goods, including personal protective equipment like masks and respirators, does business under the name But based on the illegal conduct alleged in a lawsuit just filed by the FTC , maybe it’s because the URL was already taken. New York-based, Inc., and Kevin J. Lipsitz sell charger cables, clothing, health and beauty products, and other...

A Busy Six Months

Gail Levine, Bureau of Competition
As we head into the second half of 2020, it’s a good time to pause and take stock of the past six months of work in the Bureau of Competition. Despite the challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic, Bureau staff have not let up in fulfilling our mission to enforce the antitrust laws and promote competition. In fact, the Commission is on pace for one of its busiest years for merger enforcement in twenty years—including several significant matters...

FTC releases agenda for Safeguards Rule virtual workshop

Sachit Gali
Financial institutions collect personal information from customers every day, from names and addresses to bank account and Social Security numbers. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act’s Safeguards Rule requires those institutions to develop, implement, and maintain a comprehensive information security program. As part of its regulatory review process, the FTC has proposed changes to the Rule. Join us on July 13, 2020, for Information Security and...

PrivacyCon 2020: What you’ll see on the webcast

Lesley Fair
PrivacyCon is going virtual this year. As the just-released agenda for the fifth annual Gathering of the Gurus demonstrates, you’ll want to mark July 21, 2020, on your calendar and watch the webcast for thought-provoking research into topics related to consumer privacy and data security. FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection Director Andrew Smith will convene PrivacyCon at 9:00 AM Eastern Time. Session #1 will explore privacy and security issues...

Pandemic purchases lead to record reports of unreceived goods

Emma Fletcher
Online shopping has been a lifeline for many people hunkering down to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. But as online orders have increased, so too have reports to the FTC’s Consumer Sentinel Network about sellers failing to deliver on promises — or just failing to deliver, period. During April and May of 2020, more people reported problems with online shopping than in any other months on record. More than half said they never got the items...

FTC settlement focuses on those other Privacy Shield Framework requirements

Lesley Fair
The FTC’s administrative litigation against NTT Global Data Centers Americas, Inc., just ended with a proposed settlement – and an important compliance message for companies that claim participation in the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield framework. Administered by the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Privacy Shield Framework enables companies to lawfully transfer consumer data from countries in the European Union to the United States. Participation is...

Lights out on unsubstantiated pain relief claims and deceptive native advertising

Lesley Fair
For consumers struggling with severe or chronic pain, ads for a product called Willow Curve appeared to offer light at the end of the tunnel. But the FTC alleges the marketers made false and unsubstantiated claims for the product , a device that applied low-level light and mild heat to the site of pain – and set people back between $599 and $799 in the process. The proposed settlement also sheds light on the FTC’s ongoing concern with deceptive...

FTC-SBA warning letters caution against misleading loan program claims

Lesley Fair
In the face of COVID-19, many small businesses are looking for help from the CARES Act’s Paycheck Protection Program. They may apply for PPP loans through Small Business Administration-authorized lenders and others the SBA has determined to be eligible. But there are concerns that some companies have falsely claimed an affiliation with the SBA or approved PPP lenders, or have represented untruthfully that people can get PPP or other SBA loans by...

FTC updates the Contact Lens Rule: What it means for prescribers and sellers

Colleen Tressler
We asked you to review and comment on the Contact Lens Rule and you responded. Thousands of you sent comments, and some included surveys, studies, and analyses. After extensive review and consideration of those public comments, as well as the information generated at the 2018 FTC workshop, The Contact Lens Rule and the Evolving Contact Lens Marketplace , the agency has updated the Rule . The Rule changes go into effect 60 days after publication...

Care Labeling Rule: Should it be repealed?

Lesley Fair
FTC rules can have a substantial impact on businesses and on the everyday lives of consumers. As part of its ongoing review of existing rules, the FTC periodically seeks your input on whether a particular one still performs its desired function or if it’s been overtaken by changes in technology or the marketplace. Next in the review queue is a rule that’s been around for almost 50 years and the FTC is asking if it should be repealed . It’s the...