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As the name suggests, Green Tree Servicing was supposed to service homeowners’ mortgages by collecting and crediting monthly payments. But according to a $63 million settlement announced by the FTC and CFPB, rather than service, Green Tree gave many homeowners the business.

Mortgages are often transferred during the life of a loan, so consumers may find themselves locked in a relationship with a servicer they didn’t select – and with no opportunity to shop around. Green Tree was a big name in servicing loans for manufactured housing, but recently made a major move into the residential market. It billed itself as a “high-touch servicer” – a euphemism for a company that places frequent collection calls in an effort to get people to make timely payments. With that strategy, it’s not surprising that Green Tree acquired the mortgages of a proportionally higher percentage of people already in financial trouble. For many of those cash-strapped consumers, that’s when things went from bad to worse.

According to the lawsuit, when homeowners were even just one day late with their payments, Green Tree’s collectors often unleashed a barrage of phone calls, some starting as early as 5 in the morning or continuing until as late as 11PM. The collectors didn’t limit themselves to home phones, getting some people in trouble by calling them at work. They illegally threatened them with arrest or imprisonment, used obscene language, and mocked the problems that led to their financial distress. (One collector said to a woman, “You should leave your husband if he can’t provide for you.”) Green Tree’s loose-lipped collectors were known to discuss people’s debts with bosses, co-workers, neighbors, and family.

When borrowers sought options like loan modifications or short sales, Green Tree allegedly mishandled many of those requests, leaving consumers in even worse straits. For example, some homeowners were in the process of finalizing loan modifications with other servicers when their mortgages were suddenly transferred to Green Tree. Rather than honoring those arrangements, Green Tree often yanked that lifeline from people struggling to stay afloat. Others were told they’d have to pony up payment before they could even be considered for certain loan modification programs – an illogical (and often illegal) requirement for folks who had already sent out a financial SOS. In addition, the lawsuit charges that when homeowners tried to get a short sale approved, Green Tree said it would respond within a set period – say, 30 days. But Green Tree dragged its feet, sometimes taking as long as six months to respond. As a result, people faced foreclosures that could have been avoided.

According to the complaint, even when managing homeowners’ accounts and payments – the bread and butter of a mortgage servicer – Green Tree often overcharged people. For example, Green Tree knew or had reason to know that some borrowers had received loan modifications from their former servicers, but went ahead and insisted on the original amount. And in numerous cases, Green Tree pressured people to use a method called Speedpay, which the company falsely claimed or implied was the only way to make a payment or the sole choice to avoid a late fee. Using Speedpay cost a $12 “convenience” fee per transaction – but convenient for whom? Not necessarily consumers, many of whom could have used free methods and still avoided late fees.

The lawsuit also alleges Green Tree helped itself to payments from consumers’ bank accounts without their authorization. For example, homeowners who gave Green Tree their account numbers to set up a one-time payment through Speedpay later discovered the company had used the information to arrange for additional payments without their consent.

Green Tree also was aware that specific portfolios it acquired from other servicers contained unreliable data. But when homeowners spoke up to dispute the misinformation, Green Tree left them in collections without adequately investigating discrepancies. In a similar vein, Green Tree reported unfavorable information about homeowners to credit bureaus, even when the company had reason to know the data was inaccurate. 

The $63 million settlement is a start, but what’s being done to protect consumers from underhanded tactics from here on in? Among other things, the order requires Green Tree to implement a home preservation plan to offer options to consumers whose loans were transferred to the company during the time covered by the complaint. In the future, when Green Tree is involved in the sale or transfer of servicing rights, requests for help – like short sales or assistance with loan modification programs – will have to be properly reviewed and agreements honored. What about those long delays? The company has to have people and technology in place to respond quickly to customer inquiries, including questions about options for avoiding foreclosure. Green Tree also has to stop collections of disputed amounts until it investigates and provides consumers with verification of what they owe.

When the company has reason to believe that information in newly transferred loan portfolios is iffy, Green Tree has to get proof of what consumers really owe. In addition, Green Tree will maintain a comprehensive data integrity program to help ensure the accuracy of information about customers’ accounts. The settlement also prohibits material misrepresentations about loans, payments, and fees, and mandates compliance with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act.

What’s the message for others in the industry?

  • There’s a reason it’s called servicing. Mortgage servicers have an obligation to provide service to homeowners. That rules out misleading statements about what people owe, deceptive delays, and unauthorized withdrawals from their accounts.
  • The loan servicing process depends on accuracy at all stages. Inaccurate servicing practices can throw homeowners into a spin cycle with far-reaching consequences, including errors on their credit reports that can haunt them for years. The Green Tree case underscores that accuracy is essential at every step of the process.
  • Deceptive, unfair and abusive debt collection practices are out of bounds. The law provides procedures for collecting debts, but high-pressure tactics, baseless threats, incessant phone calls, and the disclosure of information to employers, relatives, and friends are on the DON’T list.
  • The FTC and CFPB are united in their commitment to protect consumers in financial distress. It’s no coincidence that the action against Green Tree was brought through the cooperative efforts of the FTC and CFPB. The agencies coordinate their activities to make efficient use of resources. In appropriate cases – for example, the $63 million Green Tree settlement – that may include joint law enforcement.

September 13, 2016
I just received a complete "slap in the face" by FTC - CFPB! I, like hundreds if not thousands of people who have been ruined by Green Tree's horrific and illegal business practices involving our mortgages, received a $10 and change check last week on 9/8/16. I am completely speechless at this inane and absolutely f@#%#@ up thing FTC - CFPB has attempted to do...A MEASLEY F-ING $10 DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU F-ING KIDDING ME!!! This horrible company, stole from me, completely dismissed my modification attempts, put me in a worse financial position and literally has ruined me! AND THEY, FTC - CFPB SENT ME A $10 CHECK!!!! I am getting robbed yet the lawyers who presided over this lawsuit against Green Tree/Ditech! I immediately called the next day and demanded to speak to someone regarding the absolute inane, slap in the face gesture they did to me ( a $10 check). This lady/operator was the most unhelpful person yet again. She doesn't work for Green Tree/Ditech, but I might as well have been dealing with those idiots again after demanding that I speak to someone that will get me more money--for all of the inane nonsense, b.s., frustration, etc., that I like all of you have had to deal with for the past four years. All of the added fees they gave me for lying about my "late payments," modification fees, etc. etc. etc. This woman, who I spoke to regarding the lawsuit, who was the most unhelpful person, gave me absolutely no information on who I could talk to about receiving more money! If anyone knows who I can speak to regarding this Green Tree Lawsuit, please, please let me know asap! 253.219.1929
September 13, 2016
Is anyone opting out of their Settlement? If so please let me know cause The more we pull together the easier it will be. V
September 14, 2016
I'm trying to determine if the settlement payments are taxable?
September 16, 2016
I bought my home green tree financed my home for 668.00 a month for 15 years and now the 15 years is up and my home is supposed to be played off but now out of the blue appears a 59,000.00 balloon note is attached to it so now they are kicking me and my family out of our home that is basically paid for and now they are want us to pay for it all over again this is bs please give advice can they do this..
September 18, 2016
My story with GT is the same as SofakingPissed. I had various buyers for my short sale home. GT kept stalling, they refused to extend the foreclosure date. I had 3 buyers willing to pay more than what GT wanted. GT foreclosed my home, it's like they'd rather foreclose on it because believe it or not it looks better on them to write it off. The sad part, they resold the home for under what my buyers were willing to pay. FU GREENTREE!! They messed my credit up for 7 yrs with that foreclosure. At least I receive a settlement. Not sure how they determine the amount mine was over 15K!! I'm happy about the settlement, is it enough?? Prob not being how I lost my home had to move my family to rent for a few years, had my credit affected even to this day...and that was over 7 yrs ago. Now what the FTC should do is make some effort to fix people's credit so they can search for another home. I'm ok now got a big house with 2 rental properties(fully paid off)and trust me GT is def not my bank!! Now I'm laughing all the way to the bank!! Suck on it GT!!! I hope u lose more cash and go out of business!! Oh, and thanks for the 15k, maybe I'll buy another investment property...and u def won't be the bank I call!!
September 21, 2016
They are scam artist of the worst kind. They scammed us years ago and we are still paying them! They said we signed a "balloon" mortgage and we were NEVER told this mortgage was a balloon. I hope they go bankrupt and never get to do another mortgage.
September 29, 2016
October 01, 2016
We had a terrible few years with this company as well. I was told that I spent too much on groceries for my family. they denied our short sale after waiting an entire year. Our loan modification is a joke. Our payment is higher than before. Lots of tears and stress dealing with this company. We never chose them. Our loan was sold to them. We just received a small check from a recent lawsuit, but we would like to pursue action against them. Does anyone know of any other lawsuits or lawyers to help?
October 04, 2016
I did file with CFPB and the FTC and I got a check for $10.00 after I lost my house I am still setting in my driveway living in my RV. I would like to have my house back. I was forclosed on just before the lawsuit was awarded and Ditect are still sending me statements to pay mortgage payments? what do I do now?
October 18, 2016
Yes I had to let my home at [address deleted] because green tree raise my loan from 800 to 1200 and would not modified the loan.
October 09, 2016
We started our mortgage with B of A Jan 2006. Few months into 2013 Greentree took it over. They started calling us all hours of the day and night like clock work on the first of every month. We had a fifteen day grace period. Just so long as the payment was there before 15th I was not late. Then they where so rude at times. Payment just keep rising after B of A told us the after 2yrs in it would go down and with them it did. With Greentree it went up. But when they assumed the loan they didn't send us any notice or anything. When I noticed that the payment hadn't been taken out of the bank on the 4th I called B of A to make the payment and they told me they didn't handle it anymore. My mom had passed away that previous Dec. and she had a separate bank account setup for the household bills in her name. My dad went down to close it out and they wouldn't let him. She had put me down as the beneficiary so I had to do it. Greentree took so long getting the new account info to me and they said it was to late to switch checking account on the payment that month. So I talked the bank into letting us leave the house payment in there and then I would come back in 2 days to finish closing it out. 2 days go by and payment is still there. Mean while my dads account at the credit union becomes extremely over drafted. They tried taking it from the new account after making a big stink that it was to late in month the switch info. Cost us about $100 or more in over draft fees. They told us since they didn't get us the info on the new loan so late and they screwed up which account they took it from that we wouldn't get a late fee or have a late payment on our credit. Well that was nothing but lies. Then my dad retired June 2014 so he started talking to them about a reverse mortgage or refinancing the loan. They told him he didn't qualify for either one. He wasn't behind on payments and he was late on a payment one time in 8yrs. We told them that that was their doing and they said that itbdidn't matter whose flat it was. We told them they needed to get it taken off the credit report but they never did. But yeah our payment started at $420 and without any notice or reason why it went up to $640. It went up about $50 beginning of thief year. My dad has to go with mess for a day or two till he gets his SSI. Had to apply for Foodstamps. The utilities are paid by order of which one have shut off notices.
October 13, 2016
I have never been late or missed a payment; however I am harassed, sent to their collection department and sent information about foreclosure. They are unprofessional and I am trying to figure out why our government allow this company to continue to practice. Hit them with a 163 billion loan and that will wake them up. On their website I printed my payment history, and it was and still is perfect. I am tired of filling complaints to no prevail. Frustrated in San Jose
October 20, 2016
Mrs. Brave
October 20, 2016
From those 63,000,000.00 in settlement charged to Green Tree, the CFPB sent me a check for $10.00 the other day... after all the headaches and frustration I went through dealing with Green Tree.. I wonder if they sent the same amount of money to all the customers affected by the ineptitude of Green Tree Financial....
October 20, 2016
I always ended up in tears talking to them myself. I particularly remember one instance when I called to tell them my payment would be late due to I had unfairly lost my job due to my daughter being sexually abused and my job at the time was in law enforcement and the perpetrator was a state trooper so according to them, I couldn't work there anymore. Anyway, I called to explain this and was told I was a sorry excuse of a human being and did not know how to live the American way and that I was a piece of trash and needed to get my things ready to evacuate the home because they were coming to get it. I was devastated and terrified for the longest time. These were continuous threats from them. They ruined my credit history and my trust in people.
October 22, 2016
Ditech also continually sends me letters that I did not pay lates fees, which I pay every month, but they apply it somewhere else and then send me a new letter. When the add these several months of late fees I have even sent my check several times paying the higher amount and I still cannot figure we they are applying my money!! Their payment system has no fields to break down the additional money you are sending which should be illegal because I feel this gives them the opportunity to apply it differently !!!!!
Stephanie Sprouse
October 27, 2016
They would not help to retrieve my mobile home. Called me at work numerous times after asking them to call my work. Repoed my mobile home and reported it to credit bureau for more than i owed even after they sold it. and then sold it to another company who reported also. Would call my house and tell my children when I wasn't home that there mother pay her bills and they were going to be homeless and my daughters crying and worried about not having somewhere to live even after they repoed.
November 05, 2016
The only "people" who work for this company, (now called Ditech but it's the same low-life employees and crooked practices) are sadistic slugs who wanted a job where they can feel like they have some authority and some weight to throw around. They have mean and hateful attitudes like it comes out of their own personal pockets! Things happen in EVERYONES life that is unforeseen, and it will also happen sooner or later to you all you low-lifes that delight in the pain of people who are in hard times. desperation, and despair. Its really sad and sick to love causing so much pain and overwhelming worry in times when the down-trodden need help......not to be thrown to the wolves for something they did not cause or expect. I hereby place a curse on anyone that has chosen to be an instrument of this corporation of criminal, sadistic monsters. You will get the same as you give.
T Stewart
November 07, 2016
AND Even before mainstream (BoA) dumped troubled loans on Green Tree, in order to comply with Bailout directives, What and Where did all of our PMI (Primary Mortgage Insurance premiums) go? What happened to Those Underwriters? Green Tree is and will remain the bottom feeders in the mortgage industry!
November 14, 2016
I got scammed by Ditech as well on the loan modification and harrassing phone calls from Irwin Home Equity, then Green Tree and now Ditech. The loan modification is a joke because they will not accept payment during that time and just drags it on and on and then you get so behind that you cannot afford to catch up the payments. How do I ge it on this lawsuit or start a new one? Thank you.
Cheryl Lee
November 14, 2016
Our payments were on time and we were still scammed. They never paid our homeowners insurance, then forced us into their insurance. $3000 for 6 months of insurance. And they tried to do their same thing they next yearly payment came around!!
November 21, 2016
Question: If we received a check in the mail as part of the settlement from the Green Tree, the letter states that we can continue with any further lawsuit against the company. Does anybody know if anyone have done a Class Action Lawsuit against them?
Kris Kain
December 01, 2016
Sounds just like my student loans. What a racket.
Scott Ralston
December 05, 2016
Was originally with BOA, no problem, mortgage sold to GT, not too many problems, then unfortunately to Ditech, that's when the nightmare began. We are seniors on a fixed income. I've gone back to work after retiring to meet our financial obligations, (now 70 yrs old), and fortunately found a low paying position as a school bus driver. From the very beginning Ditech started with the late payment fees. With the prior two mortgage holders, as long as your payment was postmarked by the 15th of the month, it was fine. But not with this leech of a company. According to them it had to be received by that date. Our payments go to S.Dakota where the blizzards were constant, and mail delivery, I'm sure, was not always on time. This year we did fall behind on our local taxes which they claimed they paid and therefore will be adding all sorts of amts. to our payment (approximately over $700 per month) which makes it just impossible for us to pay. After a phone call to them, explaining, their response was "nothing they could do". Should be "nothing we will do but take your home". Oh yes, they have added $180.00 to our next payment for a late fee. It seems it takes about 10 days for the mail to get from Tucson,AZ to their S.Dakota office. We would be more than happy to join any legal action against them. The main reason we will not be able to pay this ridiculous increase is we are financially assisting a close family member with Kidney Cancer and Chronic Depression to get the medical care she needs in Phoenix. It requires several over night stays on Mayo Clinic campus for constant testing and treatments. Please tell us how we can join in this class action and how to immediately protect ourselves from losing our home..... .And thank you for your advice kirkland,will start the bombardment to any agency, person or website available, including AARP, Senator John McCain along with any organization claiming to assist Seniors.
Jeanine Willner
December 06, 2016
I am 8 years too late and I believe that National City Mortgage, PNC Mortgage, and Greentree screwed me over. It all happened between 2006 and 2007. My husband and I were starting to buy a home. We went through National City Mortgage. We were paying $891.00 a month . My husband would make sure the mortgage was paid every month. Then things hit bottom. On October 17, 2008, I get a knock on the door. It was the Utah Highway Patrol. I was feeling faint because I knew something wasn't right. Oh dear God! My husband, Leonard was killed in a one car rollover and nobody found the wreck until 9:00 AM that October 17 morning, and my husband had left for work at 4:00 in the morning. I shut down, and I started thinking, How am I going to do everything? I wasn't able to work because of post traumatic stress, and major depressive disorder. But I was getting $455.00 on Social Security. Because of the accident being work related, I was able to get worker's Compensation. I believe the mortgage was paid for the month of October. Then I get a letter from Worker's Compensation saying that I would get $770.00 for the month of Nov. I panicked because it wasn't going to pay the mortgage. I decided to call Greentree (They had taken over). I wanted to let them know what happened with my husband. I thought they would understand, but I was wrong! They treated me like garbage and wanted me to pay the mortgage, which I couldn't. I had no one I could talk too. I thought that I would qualify for some kind of help to pay the mortgage, But no. Then in the end of December 2008, I get a phone call from Greentree saying that I better get the mortgage paid or I'm out. I was able to pay the mortgage with the help of my family, and I took the last of the money I had in my checking account through my social security. I thought everything was going to work out. On January 3rd 2009, I was going through my checking account to check things out. I was shocked when I found out that Greentree had tried to take $1,000 out of my checking account! There was nothing in there. Greentree and their asshole people, treated me like crap. They didn't care that I lost my husband. I was so distraught that I felt like giving up. No one cared, they just wanted the money. The home was put in foreclosure in 2010. And still no one gives a damn!
Bryant E. Jenkins
December 09, 2016
FILE THE LAWSUIT!!! They have no morals to give a first time home buyer a chance to own there own home.. I have paid over $174 thousand on a $105 thousand loan and only $18 thousand towards the brand new manufactured home itself. I have asked them to refinance since my credit score is over 700 but they refuse to do it and will not help any other refinancing company with the appropriate paper-work to get it refinanced at a lower interest rate. I would be more than happy to be involved in this lawsuit to stop there high interest rates that are robbing from the American Human from their Dream to own a home!! AT AN AFFORDABLE RATE!!!!
Jeanine Willner
December 15, 2016
Is this ever going to get settled? I feel like a heavy load has been on my back for these many years and I'm tired of being a victim.
Martin Zamora
December 17, 2016
walter mortgage was the servicer for our home and green tree took over without notinc made it impossable to keep our home they violated our rights and forclosed on ou home after 8 years of payments.
Jeanine Willner
December 26, 2016
I forgot to mention that Ditech eventually took over.
J. Young
January 01, 2017
Unfortunatly we (the people) are getting stuck with the fallout of the corporate struggle. the 63 million is being handed to the other side of the company to reinvigorate the loss.
January 13, 2017
I left the company only after a short while... everything in the article is true. They even treated there front line collectors worse. There were executives that should have been charged with the fraudulent activities that they encouraged in meetings... my understanding is that nothing has changed...
Edna McDaniel
January 24, 2017
Green Tree added more than 10,00 to my mortgage principle in 2015. I do not know how to correct, and cannot hire an attorney to help me. Now they have sold my mortgage to Ditech who is continuing to add on to my principle balance. I have had my loan for 20 years at 95,000 and to date Green Tree-Ditech claim I owe 80,000. HELP!
January 26, 2017
I started with Greentree back in 2000. I had always wondered why my loan amount never went down. They screwed me meny times about saying the mortgage wasn't paid. And I had to set up 6 months of payments and charged me 12.00 extra a payment. I left my ex wife and moved out of state in 2008.. When I returned in 2010 got divorced and got stuck paying it because they called me and said that my ex wife was behind 6 months. The ex said that it was paid and not behind. I didn't believe her and paid 2,000 to catch it up. In June 2013 they forcloused on me. I had a mobile home and the came and repod it. After they sold it I never seen what it sold for. The home was all redone in the inside of it. The home was worth 35,000. The home was only 12 years old. They still have the same amount of the loan when they forcloused on me. They have never took off the money they sold it for off of the amount. If anyone went after them for legal let me know. My email is [personal information deleted]
Jeanine Willner
January 25, 2017
Just curious how things are going. There are many who need to know how long this lawsuit will drag on.
February 09, 2017
My mother passed away in 2011no life insurance policy no anything.So i started paying for home for my father Greentree advised as long as someone paid for home we could keep i continued paying now ditch has took over they will not even talk to me about a payoff or for me to make payment.Greentree has the death cert for mother and father has passed 2015 .what do i do dobt want to loose home
February 12, 2017
I was harrased with phone call every other hour the first day i was late and even called on my job. i wish the government would really focus on companys like this. we the people always get the small end of the stick.
February 17, 2017
What ever happened with this lawsuit? Are customers ( victims more like it ) of greentree ever going to be compensated for their heart ache? We lost our home because of the nightmare we endured with this horrible company!
February 21, 2017
I was originally with GMAC. They switched me over to Greentree, who later switched me over to Ditech. There is no way you can ever get them paid off. Hardly a third of every payment goes to principle. The larger portion is used as interest. These people will bleed you dry. I hope and pray I can find a decent lender, and get away from them. They are legal money hungry vultures.
Fabian Robles
February 27, 2017
My mother financed a mobile home in 2000 thru a company called Conseco. The original loan was for $45,000. They sold the loan to Green Tree a few years later, and then recently Ditech. My mother raised us boys by herself and made payments on this loan for over 17 YEARS. TODAY SHE STILL OWES OVER $30,000!!!! HOW CAN THESE PEOPLE SLEEP AT NIGHT. My mother has paid for this house at least twice over the lasT 17 years, and yet according to her collectors she hasn't even scratched the surface!!!! She has worked up to 4 jobs (school para/waitress/event worker/retail) at a time over the years to provide for her family. She is an angel of a woman and she deserves FAIR TREATMENT!!!! I AM SO PISSED OFF!!!!! MY MOTHER WORKED HER A** OFF FOR MY BROTHER AND I FOR YEARS TO PUT A ROOF OVER OUR HEADS, AND NOW SHE IF BEING FORCED TO SURRENDER THE PROPERTY BECAUSE SHE CAN'T AFFORD TO KEEP THIS MONEY PIT-LOAN. MONEY DOWN THE FREAKING DRAIN!!!! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO SHOW FOR HER MONEY EXECPT TEARS AND BAGS UNDER HER EYES! ABSOLUTELY FREAKING DESPICABLE!! I HHHAAAATTTEE THIS COMPANY AND WHAT THEY'VE DONE TO MY HARD WORKING SINGLE MOTHER!!!!
Evie Seller
April 03, 2017
what good was this settlement when Green tree changed their name to Ditech to dodge this settlement and what good is FTC and CFPB if this occurred to so many mortgagees and it still is continuing
April 07, 2017
The government should make sure that when these companies a sued by them, they can't change the name. GMAC was also Homcomings Financial when illegal forclosure was done they changed their name to ALLY. Green Tree does illegal practices they change their name to Ditech. They should not be allowed, plus it appears the the loan has been sold again when allit is is a name change.
susan akin
April 11, 2017
For the last 2 or 3 months we have been getting calls from ditech. the message is always the same (please return my call). at one point my husband did call and was asked for the last 4 digits in his ss#, which he refused to give. then we received a check from greenleaf for $200 as part of a settlement. We have not had a mortgage for at least 10 years. We do not know whether to cash the check or burn it. Any suggestions on what to do?
Deborah Harris
April 21, 2017
Have any money been sent out yet
April 21, 2017

In reply to by Deborah Harris

Ms. Harris, the FTC brought that case with another government agency, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The CFPB handled the refund process for Green Tree customers. For information, please call the CFPB's refund hotline for that case, 1-877-853-2535.

Jeanine Willner
June 15, 2017

In reply to by Deborah Harris

I have read that some people have only received $10.00
April 28, 2017
Hi how do you file a claim?
May 03, 2017
First, check closing documents, county or city's land records, may prove that all allege loan were NEVER paid, and defective from beginning (VOID ab initio), because alleged lender(s), servicers, never signed bilateral, two-way (no meeting of minds) signed contracts, and or closing HUD1, Loan application, TILA, nor will you find off-balance sheet bookkeeping sheet, closing transaction sheets, that shows a loan was ever paid into your account, an escrow account Creation means that nothing was finalized. Also, SEC (Secuties Exchange Commission) REMIC (Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit) TRUST Pooling, Prospectus, were created to have allege loan pools, to avoid, be exempt from taxes reporting closing dates from SEC within 60 and or 90 days, that trust's mortgage and promissory notes were separated, which voids trust and cannot be in a trust anymore once they split, leads to double-dipping, getting richer 30 times, (billions and Multiple Millions in unjustly earned profits for their private gains), more of what allege mortgage amount was for, you are only ones that paid on a false obligation(s), by fictitious entities, plaintis attorneys in foreclosure! Get their Commercial Indemnity and or Surety BONDS insurance, insurers names and mail locations, Bond policy numbers, put in criminal complaints claims, showing no two-way signed contracts exist, also, in land records certicate of satisfaction, and or release of mortgages shows it was paid in full, notarys stating you signed in front of them in a location, missing dates, signatures of where we were not; and void day you signed, title was given defective if breach exists and allege lenders Never signed, forged unauthorized signatures, fraud exits, they are Dead Beats-Embezzler-Money Laundering-Madoffs, NOT estate homeowners! These crooks need to go to federal prison (like Iceland did) for Criminal Colections Activities, and for 99% of all loans being fraudulent and VOID from beginning, defects, clouds titles, and you all need to do is, put criminal complaints claims with your Title Insurer on Deed Only, have them do an emergency, Urgent, Commercial Financial Crimes Investigation Audit on their allege fraud suspicion of deed and false collection clouding fraud, defective original closing documents! In addition send complaint letters to, Chief Judge of Peace, Attention: (write their name), Chief Judges (of highest court in your state and or federal district court in state) of Peace for Breach Of Contract, identity theft, mortgage schemes, professional misconduct (attorney's moral turpitude, gets them disbarred for deceptive misrepresentation under color of law, denying your unalienable liberties). Also, put in claims, as third party on BOND Insurance Policies, Criminal whistleblowing complaints to United States Postal Inspector, Federal Trade Commissions' Anti-Trust Commissioner, Your Local Labor and License Regulators (they may have a license number that leads to Getting their BONDs Insurer's information and policy numbers, 3 different homeowner's complaint claims in 10 days may shut fraudsters' businesses down) and IRS for treble and punitive damages, do not state a figure to be awarded, and reverse and clear your clouded titles! For educational and Informational purposes only, Not Given as legal advice. expressly reserving all private liberties. Peace always.
Jeanine Willner
May 04, 2017
I need to know if I am qualified for a settlement from Greentree and DiTech. Our mortgage was through Greentree and DiTech through 2006-2008.
May 09, 2017
I had my mortgage with GT up until 2012 and was told to "unless you or your husband die, or you get divorced, we can't help you". we were experiencing a financial hardship because my husband's line of work and he was laid off. Talk about unethical practices and harrassment at all times of the day via phone and spoken down to on the phone when asking for modification and ended up short-sale even after months of them delaying, which in return made our credit take a bigger dive than it should have. To this day, we have to live with the mistakes GT made, pathetic for a company. The amount they paid us is nothing compared to what we have lost and are looking to pursue further legal action asap.